In Loving Memory Of
Kelly Rohrbach
January 9th, 1964 to
January 21st, 2025

It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of Kelly Rohrbach, the founder and contest director of Jets Over Montana. Kelly passed away from a long, almost 5 year battle with cancer on January 21st, 2025. He was surrounded by his wife of 31 years, Suzy, and her parents Jack and Carol Free. He was comfortable and peaceful, and was in no pain when he passed.
He loved aviation, especially RC Aviation, and always loved sharing that with his kids and friends. Being a long standing member of the Glacier RCers, and host for Jets Over Montana, it gave him a chance to see old friends, make new ones, and continue the hobby he so dearly loved. My brother and I were fortunate enough to grow up in this hobby and want to continue flying in his legacy. We both have jobs in the aerospace industry, and it is all thanks to our Dad. Kelly will be greatly missed, and he has gone to the great hangar in the sky. We all love you and will miss you greatly.
-- Klaus Rohrbach

About Jets Over Montana
Jets Over Montana is the premier Model Jet Event based in Whitefish, Montana at the Glacier RCers Model Aircraft Field. Featuring an 800 FT x 70 FT Paved Runway with fully paved pit area, on-site bathrooms, RV/Camper Parking, and a solar charging station! Come fly with us at the most beautiful field in the Pacific Northwest!
Jets Over Montana first started back in 2007 with a little over 10 pilots from just a few states. After a hiatus from 2009 until 2021, we started back up in 2022 and had a successful year! 2023 was our best year to date with over 28 pilots and 40+ aircraft! We hope to capitalize in 2024 with our best year to date.
A Note from the President of the Glacier RCers:
Last year we were initially turned down by the FAA for a FRIA. We are in class D airspace. We had to contact our Congressmen and reapply. We now have a FRIA. Our ground footprint is approximately ¾ mile East and ¾ mile West of the center of the runway. The north limit is ¾ mile from the pilot stations. Since we are in class D airspace our altitude limit is 400’ AGL. These limitations are out of our hands.
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Event Calendar - Registration is Closed
Upcoming Events
- CancelledGlacier RCers Model Aircraft Field
- Date and time is TBDGlacier RCers Model Aircraft Field
Get in Touch
Have questions about Jets Over Montana, or interested in coming to the event? Please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We are always happy to help!